An accomplished and precise senior software developer with a proven track record in crafting robust web applications across various development frameworks. Armed with over 5 years of experience in translating complex business requirements into scalable, high-performance solutions, I am capable of leveraging a diverse ecosystem of web technologies to deliver exceptional user experiences. My passion for learning and all things science launched me into the realm of machine learning, where I am actively engaged in building innovative projects to enhance software capabilities and drive business outcomes. In my free time, I enjoy robotics and low-level IoT coding, particularly with Arduino, where I have contributed to projects involving sensor integration, data collection, and real-time control systems. I also enjoy 3D printing, and fusion360 for designing models. Lastly, you can find me outside riding my bike through the beautiful city of Portland Oregon. Where I am an advocate for transit and mobility for all citizens.
Developed a full stack Angular and Java backend application to support the entire shipping and logistics system for Avnet Electronics. This rebuild application alone will gross Avnet around 2 billion dollars a year
Worked on a development team to design and built this Wordpress site for Unique Libraries.
Worked on the development team to build and design this portfolio site for Clayton Truesdell is a Louisville contractor and designer who specializes in commercial and private properties.
Full Stack Vue application for assisting undergraduate nursing students at Indiana University Southeast. Complete with Firebase authentication and hosting
Built a full stack social networking application with MongoDB, Express, and Angular. to present a plant growing notifications system for people who trade succulents and other farming. I also added Google's Material API for color schemes and animations
Worked on the development and layout of the Discover New Albany site. which was pitched to the City of New Albany for a rebranding of the city in 2018. The project was canceled due to budget constraints from the city.
Developed a Python implementation of Naïve Bayes classification to determine with almost 90% accurate predictions with emails provided from the HP spambase from 1990
Fourtic a game, which is composed of two player symbols on a 4 x 4 grid. The Adversarial AI player is intended to always win. Load the game in java and try your hand at attempting to beat the AI.
Proud to of implemented a Frank Rosenblatt perceptron model to correctly classify MNIST data. using a sigmoid activation function to determine pixel features amongst the classic digit recognition. all with a regular python implementation from scratch.
I developed and tested an AI model to determine based on features which heart image data is has a defect. The model was able to determine with over 70% accuracy which cases required further analysis to determine abnormalities within the heart.
Can an AI model be developed to determine who wrote a specific work? I tested this by developing an AI model to determine authorship between Jane Austen and Mary Shelly. I was able develop a model with 80% accuracy, in determining who the correct hidden author.
After playing Rush hour I became obsessed with the game. I purchased a copy and decided to build an AI to solve this game. I implemented a Java program to build and solve various levels of difficultly. Simply supply a game grid and the program will read the files and determine the best path with the minimum number of moves to maximize the score per game board.
Certification earned for completing a course focusing on Spring MVC, Spring Security and Command line Runner applications. I also learned to integrate JDBC and Hibernate relationships with my Beans and the various life cycles of components. I also learned about inversion of control (IOC) and the benefits of aspect orientated programming (AOP) and dependency injection. I built several demo applications I relied on in my early spring days from this course.
I earned this certification after working with the three most commonly used Docker technologies, Swarm, Compose and Containers with Images. The training focused on Docker Swarm, Docker Compose, as well as building custom docker containers with Dockerfiles.
Certificate earned after mastering the basics of cyber security. Proving my ability to defend against exploitation and common hacking vulnerabilities within software systems.
I designed a database implementation that I will host locally to support fullstack hiking application. This postgresSQL repo features the implemented tables to support the backend architecture of a locals Alltrails. I plan on adding more tables and features to the data as I continue developing the application
Worked in a group setting to collect and present open data from the Smart City PDX project. The object of our presentation was to highlight many of Portland's vulnerable areas. Our group collected open source city data to determine areas of highest threat during natural disasters, such as heatwaves, wildfires, winter storms and toxic blooms along the willamette. the project highlighted key infrastructure metrics needed to improve the resilience of the cities vulnerable populations
Create a constant stream of Katas in my five languages of development Java, Javascript, C++, Kotlin, and Python. I have built a community tool using jQuery and Bootstrap for developing a new kata selection and deployed to github-pages for everyday use. I usually knockout two Katas a week.